Wednesday 27 July 2022

That’s all folks, for now anyway!

After eight years and a full iPad it is time to have a rest from the blog. Maybe not forever, we will see.
But have some photos and bits for today so here goes. Yesterday evening I started transferring things to the new to me sewing box, I really like it and it will be easier that pulling out little drawers!
This morning I mixed the next lot of Christmas cakes, I had measured everything out and lined the tins last night. They look lovely, I do think they may be extra special this year!
Once they were on the rack I decided to catch the bus into Hull, I haven’t been beyond Hornsea on the buses for a while now. I had a bit of a wander round and got some toiletries I needed and some quite interesting things to take snaps of!

That photo and the next one were in an open unit in The Prospect Centre, I think they are for a parade in August, which if the stuff they had in there is what it will be like it should be fabulous.
I saw a couple of the Hull puffins.

And put some coins in the hat to take a photo of this sand art!
I am well on the way with the latest Shetland book, and today tried reading on the bus and managed to for a while without feeling sick!
I have watered the bonsai trees and the tubs, maybe get the hose out tomorrow.
May watch the football to see who England will play in the final.
So, that’s it, maybe be back some time.


  1. That’s a real shame. I’ve enjoyed reading it and definitely loved the pics. I’ll miss not catching up with life at the seaside of an evening. Hopefully you’ll still take some great pics and send them on to me.
    The sewing box is really neat and tidy, take another pic of it in 6 months and compare them 😊
    The cakes look gorgeous as usual. I’m really looking forward to trying one to see if they are better than usual this year. Can’t imagine they can be to be honest. Time will tell.
    Some great stuff in that unit. I think I’d like to see the parade if they’re anything to go by. You should put that one in your diary. They do do some great stuff in Hull. The puffins are a great example. I think they’re very cute.
    I’ve seen a couple of the sand sculptures in town locally, not recently though. It is very clever, and when you consider they have to knock it down at the end of the day, hard work. Strangely enough one of the ones I’ve seen in town was exactly the same as the one in your pic. It’s probably a plastic one you can buy, then just scatter a bit of sand around! Next time I see one I’ll try to stick my finger in it and see πŸ˜„
    Well au revoir for now, not forever I hope, and don’t forget to send me some pics.

  2. You guessed that the work box is not likely to be as neat as that insix weeks, let alone six months!
    Hull has really been on the map since it was City of Culture a few years back. They even have Bob Dylan coming to the bonus arena, it sold out in the first few hours, hadn’t seen that advertised!
    I think the dogs were all sand but you never know!

  3. Ill miss having my morning coffee with you.

  4. I think that must be you Pat, I will mail you if I start up again. Hope you are doing okay,
