Tuesday 12 July 2022

Wassand Hall, plants, and naughty Pandora!

I didn’t feel too bright when I got up, more very tired than anything else. Had a phone call before eight from David as they had decided to go up to 
Wassand Hall gardens and wondered if I would like to go along. I almost said no but then thought it would do me good, and they don’t walk too quickly and it was cooler today. They picked me up at nine thirty and we had a very pleasant wander round and I bought a few plants!! Quite a few pics, no explanations needed really.

After a bit of a rest and a cuppa I went to Countdown and bought a few more plants and then went out into the walled garden and dug out the primulas from the old tubs. So I then had a wheelbarrow of plants to put in.
I was on the patio filling some watering cans when I heard a little bird chirp, looked round and Pandora was sat there with a young sparrow in front of her. I shouted at her and chased her off and picked up the little bird. She, decided it was a she but didn’t really know, was very still but seemed unharmed. I got a box and put a little food in, to start with she was in the corner but a bit later she was standing in the middle. But still very quiet. I kept the cats outside and started putting the plants in the garden. Some time later she was still very quiet but looked alert, so we got the cats in and I took her down hear the hedgehog box. She landed on a bit of plant and just sat like a statue. After a few minutes I tried to pick her up to put her back in the box and she was gripping to the plant for all she was worth.
I went indoors for half an hour or so and kept the cats in. I said to Tina if she was still there like a statue I would pick her up and put her in the summer house to recover or die in peace! But when I went out again there was no sign of her, so I am hoping she was unharmed and just needed to get over the trauma.
I got tea as Tina is still not well and Darren was off to archery, and then I watered the bed where I had put the plants in. The shaggy daisies are opening, have two of the plants now which is great.

Bit more active today and not feeling too bad at the moment. Watching The Coroner now.



  1. One of these mornings you’ll wake up raring to go. Can you remember what that feels like? 😊 A nice little trip out does you good, and you really did need to get more plants anyway 😄 A good place for some pics too. I really do like the fourth one. A bit of everything. Looks a great place to visit. Nice if it was a little cooler as well.
    Can’t believe you went out again when you got home to buy more plants. That garden is like a black hole, it just swallows everything up! The wheelbarrow pic is really nice. Very rustic and colourful.
    Cats are horrible when it comes to torturing things. They’re very sadistic! I hope the little bird realises what a lucky escape she had. If you hadn’t have been there, well she might not have been for long! I’m not surprised she just sat rigid when you let her go. She was probably traumatised from her ordeal!
    Well with all that and watering too I bet you’re knackered. You’re supposed to be taking it easy 😊

  2. I was pleased I went along, very enjoyable. As you say, good picture opportunities as well.
    Hopefully the little sparrow made a good get away.
    Enjoying the box set now.
