Thursday 14 July 2022

Not a lot to report!

A pretty quiet day really, Tina tested positive this morning, she probably has been for a while already so hopefully soon she will be on the mend. I am better head and throat wise but still get ridiculously tired without trying! Tina had hoped she may be well enough to go out for breakfast and get a change of scene but instead I went out and got nice bacon and rolls and we had brunch here!
I decided to catch the bus up to Freeport. I did consider doing some painting in the pottery place but after hanging around for over ten minutes while the only girl on duty was making drinks for people in the cafe side, I thought better of it. I had a cuppa and looked in a couple of shops and then went back to wait for the bus home. Took this planter as nice bright flowers in it.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a strange pace of pens in the reduced section at Paperchase. The colour changing is supposed to happen when you got over the other colours with the white pen. I had presumed that the green would change to a lighter green or something like that, so I do a simple ivy pattern on a card and used the green and yellow pens.was a little surprised to get the red effect!

Interesting to try them though!
I was almost asleep on the short bus ride back and I hadn’t done a lot today.
I have watched a couple of episodes of The Coroner and will give the cyber thriller another try tonight.
Sad news today as Rachel and family lost little Cookie today, I know they will all be very upset she was a real little character.
Thinking of you all Rachel.


  1. Lols like both of you will be a while before you’re back to anywhere normal. From what I’ve read the tiredness can linger a fair while ☹️ At least you are getting out a bit every now and then, so you shouldn’t go too stir crazy!
    A bit of pottery painting would have been nice. You’ve not done that for a while.
    I’ve seen those pens before. In the demo I saw they did patterns vertically and then used the white pen horizontally. Some of them looked quite good. I think lettering would be good.
    That’s a real shame about Cookie. I only saw her a few times but she was a lovely little thing. ☹️

    1. Trouble is I am getting used to these quieter days and earlier bed times, may even start acting my age!

  2. Thanks Jan glad it happened on our return truly will miss her little face and playful craziness she was a very loved little lady xx

  3. I know Rachel, I loved her too.xx
