Tuesday 19 July 2022

Staying in, mostly!

The first couple of pictures were taken yesterday evening, one of a pretty new plant that has flowered and one from the spot I was sitting having a cuppa after I had watered the gardens.

I did go down the road quite early this morning to post a letter and get some rolls for lunch. I did some sorting in the kitchen and washed all the food containers, that still had their lids, that I could find. I had done a list of Christmas cake ingredients that I need and took it over the road to The Leafy Green Sea Dragon, left it all with the owner and she phoned me later this afternoon to day the order was ready. I still have the things I can’t get there to buy like butter and eggs but should be able to make a start next week.
A while ago the cute water feature with the ducks got broken. Tina checked it out and you could actually buy a replacement top at a fraction of the price, the base and solar stuff was fine, just needed the actual ducks replacing. It came today and now it is up and running again.
I made a birthday card this afternoon, still using ideas from the new book.
This evening Tina thought it would be a good idea to have a little run out in the car, she hasn’t been out for a good while and she is taking me for my appointment with the consultant tomorrow. We went to Mappleton first but it was heaving and no parking available, so she drove to Moreau Avenue and had a walk along the front. Quite a few families enjoying as evening on the beach, and more bathers than I have ever seen, except for new year dip day of course!

Very sticky here this evening, but hopefully the cooler air will head in over night.


  1. The first pic is a really nice flower, and the second one shows how big that garden is!
    Hope you’re not going to be cooking Christmas cakes in this weather. Wait until it rains 😊 Nice to have the water feature up and running again. Bet it evaporates quickly at the minute.
    Always nice to have a evening trip out. Sounds like this one was a bit too energetic for this weather. Bet you’re pooped. I would say you’ll sleep well, but you probably won’t, and neither will I.

  2. I am very tired, but that is most of the time at the moment!
    There was a breeze put and it was quite pleasant, but it feels very oppressive indoors, not being able to get a through draft doesn’t help of course.
    Won’t start the cakes until it is cooler, still need to buy ingredients anyway!

  3. That is a really good photo showing your amazing garden - I really applaud how you manage it it takes me over 1 hour to sort my little patch - I have had aubergines and courgettes I have cooked and a few cucumbers now - my Dahlias and begonias are looking good will send you pics xx

  4. Thanks for sending pics of your garden, fabulous xx
