Friday 15 July 2022

So weary, got the Covid blues!

Yesterday evening Darren drove me up the Mappleton which was a nice way to round off the day. Only there a short while but quite a few photos.

Today I have felt so weary and am in danger f nodding ff every time I sit down for a while. I did go and visit Bel and called in at the shop on the way home. I did manage to get some washing done but other that that it has not been a busy or productive day. Took a couple of photos in the front garden.

Now watching the riveting debate, won’t be long before I have nodded ff again!!


  1. You’re right, Mappleton is a great place to round off a day. It’s a lovely place, and very photogenic.
    Not every day can be a busy one. You’re still recuperating from the dreaded lurgi! I feel weary most of the time and I can’t use Covid as a reason. I’m just old and decrepit it think!
    Lots of bees around in your garden. Trouble is they don’t tend to sit still for too long. 🐝
    This debate is draining my willingness to live! Politicians are all lying bums! They’ll tell you anything until they get into power, then they do what they please. France had the right idea, bring out the guillotines! 😄

  2. One of the will be our next prime minister, best try and remember their names at least!
    Maybe I will be more awake tomorrow, if not Iwilljust have to laze around again!

  3. Hope your feeling better I have never been to mappleton but I will have a visit - got a horrid cold , chest sore throat etc tested myself am negative and hope to keep it that way xx

  4. I hope you stay negative too, and get well soon xx

  5. Feeling better so making sure I get to view blog xxx love you

  6. Glad you are feeling better, take it easy though xx
