Monday 25 July 2022

Feeling tired today

This morning I had a catch up with Angela which was good and I got a package ready to send when I came home.
After lunch I decided it was time to have a bit of a walk so I took the package to the post office and then went up to sit by the sea.

I called in at the leisure centre to get some food caddy bin liners then was really flagging coming home and had another sit down in the memorial garden! These lovely flowers were there.
I had been going to call in to the Co-op on the way home and get the rest of the Christmas cake ingredients but just felt too tired and when I got I sat comfortably to sit and read and did doze off!
Have been to see Sarah and David briefly this evening and it rained when I was there, so no watering tonight which is a bonus!
May start watching the debate, may not stay with it all the way,


  1. Looks really nice by the sea today. I wish I could just pop along and sit there if the fancy took me 😊 You’re so lucky.
    Those really are beautiful flowers. So colourful!
    You’ll have to get the Rev to collect your cake ingredients rather than dragging them home in the trolly. You are an old codger now and still got the remnants of Covid! 😊
    No rain here today. The garden could definitely do with a good soaking.
    I started watching the debate too. Sunak is a totally ignorant arrogant knobhead! He thinks shouting everyone down is ok. I would NEVER vote conservative again if he is Prime Minister! Obviously I won’t be watching it all 😊

  2. It was lovely by the sea today and lovely rain this evening too!
    I have turned off as well, all that shouting down is not good to watch!
