Saturday 9 July 2022

Still positive!

Thought I would do a test, although didn’t really doctor it to be negative yet I haven’t been out at all, and only into the garden to feed the birds and top up the hedgehog food. I have been doing more sorting and have a decent pile of stuff for the charity shop already, so just one pretty boring picture today!!
I have been very tired today and in danger of falling asleep if I sit down for a while. Nevertheless I have got on with the sorting, I used to keep all shoe boxes and any other decent boxes for storage, but have now got so many that I cannot get into the cupboards. I have told Darren to take any he wants and I will break the rest down into the recycling.
I didn’t even have a video call today, well, only a couple of minutes anyway as the connection was bad!
Tina showed me how to change the language on the box set so have now enjoyed a couple of episodes of The Coroner.
Did watch most of the Women’s Wimbledon final, quite a good match.
I have said I will go with Darren tomorrow and have a breakfast sandwich, but will take a book and read for a while when he has a wander round. I think the heat and tiredness would be too much for me, but an open air breakfast away from other people sounds like a good idea!


  1. Well if nothing else having Covid has encouraged you to sort things out and get rid of stuff. Hopefully you’ll get over the worst of it soon and feel a little less tired all the time. Maybe I’ve got it, I feel tired most of the time too 😊
    Glad you got the audio sorted on your dvd. That’ll keep you busy when there’s mother also to watch on the tv. Which is quite often!
    Good plan for tomorrow. It’ll do you good to get out for a while, but it’ll probably be too hot to be wandering round. Mind you, you usually go early so it might be cool enough for a slow stroll.
    Enjoy your evening.

  2. Mother also!! That started off as nothing. 😊
