Friday 8 July 2022

Happily sorting!

Thankfully no casualties with the hole and hedgehog and the food had gone as usual from the box. Steve continued with the work for the charger and the trench is now secure and accident proof!
I have spent quite a lot of the day sorting and have a box ready for the charity shop. A few months ago I got a hoodie at,the boot sale because I loved the wording on the front but when I tried it on I couldn’t get it off without heat as it was so tight! I found it in a drawer today and cut off the arms and hood and have been wearing it and yes, I can get it off now! It is not a material that frays so will be fine for around the house and in the garden!
While watching the tennis I sorted through my earrings and hung them all in pairs again rather than all over the place. Then I called them and the ones I don’t wear, or don’t want to any more, are in the charity box as well. I sent for one of those weekly craft magazines a while back to make a Peter Rabbit qui, the quality wasn’t that good and they were expensive so shopped after about fourteen parts! Most were still unopened so went through them today, got them into the folder and all the materials and threads into a box.
When we first had Pandora I had just bought a crazy clock that ai loved on the wall. She was fascinated by it and the ticking so was endlessly trying to get up the wall to attack it! So it has been tucked away for about two years now. So today I have put it up one the wall and don’t think she has noticed it yet, when I hear the almighty crash I will know she still wants to attack it!
Tina hasn’t been at all well today, so as I have been feeling a lot better I made a quick meal for us all before Darren went to his club and then watered the gardens, I was going to watch an episode of The Coroner which arrived today but although it says it is in Dutch and English it appears to be just in Dutch, so watching Father Brown instead!


  1. Glad to hear the trench didn’t claim any victims during the night. Bet you’re pleased it’s all filled in now.
    Sorting is always good, and the charity shops always do well from it! The wording on the hoodie, or the once hoodie is perfect for you. It’ll be perfect as it is for around the garden. Make sure you wear it out front so it gives the passers by something to talk about 😊
    Hopefully Pandora has grown out of trying to kill the clock! It’d be a shame not to be able to display it.
    Hope Tina isn’t going down with Covid now. Glad to hear you’re feeling a lot better though. You’ll soon be back to normal, if you can work out what normal is 😄
    Has the dvd not got the option to change audio tracks on it? Shame if not.

    1. Good clock news, it is still on the wall and Pandora has been nowhere near it!
      Tina isn’t well, not sure if she has taken a test today yet.
      Maybe more sorting today.

  2. Love the shirt xx

  3. Love the shirt xx
