Monday 18 July 2022

Too hot for Pandora!

I haven’t done a lot today, well not energy using wise anyway! I went to the garden centre with Judi this morning for breakfast and we had such a good chat and an extra drink after an hour or so that I wasn’t back until lunch time. Tina said she thought Judi had kidnapped me!! I did buy a couple of calla lilies, which I have been thinking about for a while,m the yellow one did have flowers still on it, but by the time we got hthe me they had fallen! I hadn’t realised what an interesting seed head the flowers left! I will probably get them into pots so that I can over winter them in the greenhouse and plant them out next year.

Pandora got on my lap briefly this afternoon but soon retreated to the window seat. She is still sprawled out there now, too hot with that fur coat!

I did a few chores between rests this afternoon and have got the hose ready in the front garden to start watering when I get back from visiting Sarah and David. A few of the plants are already drooping so a good drink tonight I think ahead of the even hotter day tomorrow!


  1. This weather definitely takes it out of you regardless of how much you do. It’s very hard to just sit around and do nothing. Sounds like you’ve had a pleasant day. An extended trip with Judi was nice for you. What a surprise you brought back plants! I’m sure they’ll look good next year once you get them out.
    I feel sorry for Pandora and other cats. Having all that fur is a bit of a nightmare this weather. I would have thought she’d have laid somewhere more shaded than on that seat.
    Enjoy your visit, and don’t go too mad dragging that hose around!

    1. Quite a nice day and a pleasant evening watering the gardens, although this late watering seems like bug time and I have quite a lot of bites!
      A good catch up day too.
      No plans to venture far tomorrow.
