Tuesday 26 July 2022

Christmas cake time!

I went to the shop this morning and got most of the ingredients I still need for the cakes but no black treacle or mixed nuts! Tina drove me up to Tesco and sat in the car while I went in, took me a while as it is a big store, but got both items, and some Marmite crisps fell into my basket as well!
So I set two and made two of the smaller cakes, they turned out okay, I think they will be good cakes this year as I got all the dry ingredients loose from the Leafy dragon over the road.

The cakes are cool and wrapped now, will start the brandy feeds when they are all made.
Took this photo of the front bed as some nice flowers in it now and they have perked up since we had a dr of rain.
The new tubs that I planted up a few weeks ago are really looking good, I have kept them well watered.
And the calla lily is opening more daily!
I got a load of washing done today, but have also done quite a bit of reading, now on the fifth book of the Shetland series. Did go out and do a bit of dead heading in the garden and emptied the sack of mealworms into containers.
I have had some nice post this week, a card from Cheddar Gorge, never been there and would probably find the walking difficult, but would like to give it a try, and a great card with illustrations of spiders.
Time to make a drink before the football, ladies of course!!


  1. Doesn’t Christmas come around quickly? Frightening! Glad the Rev took you to Tesco, so much easier than dragging things around in a trolly. Damn nuisance those crisps falling into your basket. I suppose you better eat them before they go off.
    I can’t imagine the cakes being any better than usual because they’re always really good. But I’m prepared to test one out for you and give an opinion. The sacrifices I make! The first two look scrummy already and that’s without half a bottle of brandy in each 😄
    The front bed looks really nice. Some lovely colours. The tubs are really blooming well, and the lily obviously likes the feeling of spreading its roots.
    Cheddar Gorge would be a nice place to go, but like you I don’t think I’d be much good walking up hills these days ☹️
    Fingers crossed for the England ladies 🤞🏻

  2. Good to get the cakes started, feel quite organised with it this year, hope I feel the same on the third or fourth batch!
    We haven’t had oodles of rain, but a decent amount and it does make a difference to the plants. The ladies re leading at the moment.
