Sunday 10 July 2022

Boot sale breakfast at least!

I went to the boot sale with Darren, but just sat with him and had the breakfast sandwich. He went off and after taking a pic from where we eat I walked to the pond and sat on a bench in the shade for a few minutes, then I went and sat in the car. I had taken a book with me. Hung my coat over the door for shade and it was quite pleasant with the door slightly open.

Haven’t done a great deal today, the tiredness seems to have got worse, but ai didn’t have a very good night either. Did a few chores and got a quick dinner for Darren and myself, as Tina really hasn’t felt well all day and no sign of any improvement. I watched the tennis when I wasn’t nodding off, Pandora joined my but had no interest in the tennis!!

I started a crochet kit I have had for ages, but my hand kept going numb which wasn’t helpful! I haven’t done any crochet for a while and may not go any further with this as it is probably the worst set of instructions I have ever seen!
Not sure if I mentioned the clock yesterday, but it is still on the wall and Pandora has shone no interest, yet!
Have watered the gardens this evening and in in time for McDonald and Dodds.


  1. At least you got out for a while. Lovely day for it too, probably a bit too hot. I really like the pond.
    It’s probably going to take you a lot longer than you think to get over Covid. They say the tiredness lingers on for a long time. You’ll just have to take things easy until you feel fully recovered. I know it’ll drive you potty not being able to do anything, but you’ll have to put up with it. Sounds like the Rev is in the same boat too. Poor Darren will be running about after both of you 😊
    Pandora doesn’t look like the tennis impresses her. Hope you enjoyed the final even though you wanted the other chap to win.
    You’ll have to finish the crochet, it’s really cute.
    Glad to hear the clock has stayed on the wall, so far! She was quite young when she took a fancy to it last time.
    Enjoy the drama. I’m ready for it too.

  2. Although I am still tired and a bit heady still,mI have been pretty lucky so far so hopefully I won’t relapse!
    I will take a test tomorrow to see if I am free to get out and about if I feel up to it!
