Tuesday 2 August 2022

Hello again!

Sort of back by popular demand, but I have missed watching out for things to photograph as well! Have taken some pics over the last few days but s I have taken quite a few today I will catch you up with some of the weeks events when I have less to write about in the days to come. When I went to the sh this morning I took a photo of a very strange dummy they have in the Co-op window. I find it quite disturbing when I go by!
Some rain again this morning, so the watering has not been needed for a few days now, which is a bit of a blessing. Had a relatively easy morning, a few household chores and some Commonwealth Games!
The other day I was thinking that I haven’t walked on the beach much this year, and since Covid I haven’t walked much at all, so took some water and a towel in my rucksack and headed for the beach! There is a children’s fair near the front, going to be there for the whole of August.
I walked along towards the inshore rescue building, passing the great are on the wall, to where there were less people on the beach as it is away fron the facilities.

The first beach photo is fron the rocks, where I sat to take my shoes off, then the rest were taken with me at or in the waters edge.

It was very windy at the front and on the way home I was walking into it. I was exhausted when I got home, but had enjoyed my walk. 
I got all the Christmas cakes made last week, just seven this year, and today they have had their first feed.
I will tell you a bit about the last few days tomorrow.


  1. Good to see you back, and with lots of pics. I bet you have missed looking for pics to take. You’ve done it for a long time now.
    That dummy definitely is weird! That’ll give the kids bad dreams 😊 It actually looks half real. Odd!
    It’s good you’ve been getting a bit of rain. I know dragging that hose around the gardens is a bit of a nightmare and bloody hard work. So any reprieve is welcomed. Trouble is the weeds love it too ☹️
    You do have a lot of art on display in Hornsea. Perfect place for you to be living I suppose. It does amaze me that the local oiks don’t add their own touches to them with their spray cans! I’ve never seen any in all the pics you’ve posted.
    I bet it was really nice walking along the beach and in the water with bare feet. We’re just not accustomed to going bare footed these days. Shame because it’s actually a nice feeling. Until you stand on something sharp that is!
    Looks really nice on the front, even with the wind. Does make it hard work though, so I’m not surprised you were worn out.
    You mentioned that C word again! Can’t believe it’ll be here in less than six months. Looking forward to the cake though………assuming I’m getting one 😊

  2. Those paintings do remain graffiti free, which is quite surprising. I think some of the puffins have had unwanted attention though!
    It was very nice walking on the beach, really should do it more often, need to build up the walking a bit so a good way to do it.
    Yes, a cake has your name on it, hoping they are going to be good again this year.
    The rain has been a blessing and at the moment the weeds aren’t too bad, but a couple of days could have me tearing my hair out!

  3. I'm again sharing my morning coffee with you. I'm glad you decided to continue with the blog. I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys it every day.

  4. Good to have you back Pat and to have your comment on the blog.
