Wednesday 13 July 2022

Flowers and insects

I haven’t had a very busy day, the tiredness is taking a while to go away! A bit of a weird start, I had fed the birds soon after seven and then went out again to top up the hedgehog food. I noticed something on the steps by the outhouse out of the corner of my eye and thought ai had left a flower pot or something there, but it was actually a fledgling blackbird, just sitting there. Really not a good place to hang around with the cats passing through regularly. I talked to it and even stroked it’s chest and it didn’t move! So, off I went to get the box I had the sparrow in yesterday, thought if it needed to rest or couldn’t fly that well yet I would put it somewhere safe. Was just lifting it up when Blue appeared by my side, I shouted at her and the bird managed to fly up onto the wall! At least resting there was a better place than at ground level. It was gone a little later, so hopefully another one rested and got away,
Other that that I have walked along the road a few times on various errands, have watched an episode of The Coroner and have made a list for ingredients I need for the Christmas cakes!
When I put the recycling bin out I took a few pics in the garden.

I will go out and water the gardens in a bit.
Today I should have been travelling back from my stay in Peterborough! Tina is a lot better so if I am feeling up to it I may take myself out somewhere tomorrow, depending on how tired I am feeling!


  1. Rescuing fledgling birds is becoming a regular thing for you these days. It does sound like another one lives to see another day though, which is good. You’ll be having a good look around in the mornings when you go out there now. The cats must hate you for spoiling their fun ๐Ÿ˜Š
    At least you’re getting out a bit more now, but I think you’ll still have to take it easy for some time to come, or until you get totally bored out of your head ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Christmas cake time seems to have come around very quickly again. Where does the time go?
    Nice to see some pics of butterflies. There do seem to be more around than usual which is really good.
    Hope you manage to get out somewhere tomorrow, it’ll do you good as long as it doesn’t involve too much walking.

  2. Not too bad a day, still pretty hot, especially when the sun was out.
    Seeing a few butterflies now which is nice.
