Monday 4 July 2022

Busy bees, including me!

I had a bit of a list of things to do today as well as getting packed and sorted for leaving early tomorrow. I tried the hospital just after eight thirty and got through to the plastic surgeon secretaries. The one I spoke to the other day was off but the lady I spoke to put me through to the department I needed and I have my follow up appointment booked for 20th July. Later in the day I received an email and that had a different patient number, so I now have an account and can access my appointment letters! I walked down to the he post office today with the package, the main man was there so I got a customs form and a few spares! Filled it in and the package is now on its way to America. I walked a bit further n the way back as I was gong to get a new battery in a watch that I haven’t worn for a while but the jewellery shop doesn’t open on Mondays so could have saved my legs! I walked down to the Green Owl then to meet Angela for a drink and a chat. Took some pictures of bees on the spiky daisies on my way out.

I had left a message for Stephen at Southgate Studios to say I could called the framed icon this afternoon. He phoned when I was out and we arranged I would collect it at two. After lunch I did a bit of hoovering and checking my ‘going away’ list and then went to collect it. Absolutely delighted that I decided to get it done properly, now have to decide where to display it!
I forgot to mention that I have had a bit of a sore throat for a couple of days so took a covid test just in case, it is negative!
This afternoon I have spent about an hour and a half and have got round all the beds in the back garden. Not well weeded as there are a lot of beds, but the biggest ones are gone and the ground hoes to a fashion! I am feeling pretty tired but will hopefully have enough energy left to water the gardens and put the bird food out after I return from a quick catch up with Sarah and David. They were away last week so lots to tell me and they will want to hear about the consultant progress! More bees in the back garden, the sea holly was alive with them!

All being well will be blogging from Peterborough tomorrow.


  1. You have had a full day, but you got some important jobs sorted. Mainly the appointment and collecting the framed icon. It looks really good. Well worth getting it done professionally. It’s well protected now from scratches and should last a few hundred years at least 😊 I’m sure it will have a few appreciative owners in its lifetime. Getting the appointment booked will take a worry off your mind while you’re away too.
    You’ve managed to fit a lot in. Meeting people and way too much gardening again! It’ll do you good to be away from it for a while. Maybe when you get back someone else will have done all the weeding and watering.
    Sensible idea to take a Covid test. We don’t want you bringing your northern viruses down here 😷
    I’m not surprised you’re feeling tired. Again, a bit of a rest down here will do you good.
    Looking forward to meeting up at some point.

    1. I am pretty pooped to say the least. The sore throat isn’t helping either!
      Will be doing final checks and getting ready for bed soon.

  2. Icon looks stunning in that frame

  3. Thank you, I think he did a great job with the frame and used art glass so you can't really see it.
