Thursday 21 July 2022

Quite a busy day

I will start with a picture of the sandals that I got in Beverley yesterday.  They just about do up so I may have to attach a little more Velcro to the straps, but they are comfy and don’t irritate my bunions, so that is good.
I have spent a fair bit of time in the garden today, I was out clearing the patio before seven after I had fed the birds. Rob was coming to remove the weeds so I made sure it was all clear. Before eight I was put and made a start on the walled garden, which had become very messy. People won’t be sitting in there at the garden party but the ladies that are serving will be going backwards and forwards through it. I didn’t take a before picture but did take one of it looking reasonable!
I washed the ten blue plastic chairs that had been on the patio all winter and also the table and chairs down by the summer house, and then I started working my way round the flower beds, dead heading, weeding and doing the edges. Used the strimmer to get rid of some of the clumps of grass, it has been too dry for the whole lawn to be mowed, in fact area are quite dead!
Meanwhile the lads had been here fitting Tina’s charging pod, all done now and she did pay extra so that it is locked!
I cut this hydrangea head as it is so pretty, had intended to try and draw it this evening but feeling too tired now.
Went up to Freeport with Tina and we had some lunch, I Erie’s the garden truck when we got back and took these bees enjoying the spiky yellow flowers.

Should have said that I got Tina to drop me off at the traffic lights on the way home as the framing man is leaving and they had sale signs up in the window and the shop was open. The first think I spotted was another one of the clever photos he does that continue onto the mount. He got it down for me to look at and when I asked how much he said I could have it as it was only a test piece and wasn’t framed! Didn’t take long to accept that!
He said he thought it was of Iceland, but either way, I think it is beautiful. Then I spotted an old style sewing box, he wanted ten pound for it and when I said I would have it he said his father had made it for his mother who used to keep her lace making stuff in it. The box it solid and I love it, and so much more useful that lots of containers with lids,
This afternoon I sat and read for a bit and promptly dozed off! Before tea I went out in the garden again and cleared the steps by the arched gate and removed brambles etc as that is the way the visitors will come into the garden on Saturday. I haven’t gone round all the flower beds yet but really feel I have done enough today. They may not all get finished as time is running out and I see Bel and Jean tomorrow, maybe I will do a bit more tomorrow evening, I will need to water the gardens again anyway. Have only watered the bonsai trees this evening.
Deciding whether I can be bothered to watch the cyber thriller in a bit!


  1. On the phone and with terrible WiFi. So I'll probably wait until I get home to do proper replies. Looks like your day was a full one. The free pic was great. Best bargain you've had for a while! Glad the rev now had her own charging point. Should make life a bit easier. I'm anonymous but I think you know who I am 🙂

  2. I do indeed know who you are anonymous! Glad you were able to get on to the blog briefly.
    Enjoy your mimi holiday.
