Sunday 24 July 2022

Donny meets Ronny!

Will start with Donny and Ronny to save you from guessing! Yesterday at the garden party there was a tombola, I won a couple of prizes, one being a box of mini Toblerones. Tina won a cute rabbit so we swapped prizes, the Ron came from the middle of Toblerone, lengthened to Ronny for fun!
This morning we went to the boot sale as usual, have breakfast from a different stall as our usual one was closed this week. Darren just bought a little permanent for Tina for 20p and I had walked all the way round and bought nothing but had seen a chair I really liked soon after we started. Thought it would be pretty expensive so nearly had the guys arm off when he said it was a tenner. I really liked it because it is similar to my two front chairs.
The calla lily is so happy now that the roots can spread, so the buds that looked almost dead have now started to open.
I have gone a bit out of sync S we had a drink by the sea on our way home as we weren’t at the boot sale long today.

I have finished the book I was reading, great novel but horrible ending as the main characters fiancé became the third victim in the final chapters!
We watched the Grand Prix but before that I have walked through the fair as Tina had left her iPad behind and she needed it for the music for a service in the park.

After the Grand Prix Darren and I walked round to the fair and I had a go on the hook and duck and hook a bag! Two more silly toys, Tina will have the flamingo to keep another one she has company and the bear will sit with the rabbits!
I will finish with a photo to make you ‘tut’, Pandora approves of the new chair!


  1. You do extremely well when it comes to winning prizes. Ronny worked out perfectly to go with Donny. Jonny the bear to make a trio?
    The chair looks great for a tenner. Shame it’s going to get covered in cat hair and claw marks. TUT!
    The morning weather looks a bit gloomy up there, but it could just be the pics. It was raining in Cornwall first thing and was gloomy up until lunchtime, but then it was a glorious afternoon in Stratford upon Avon. Got really hot. It’s also hot back here now. It does look a bit better in the fair pics. Did you see the thieving scumbag fairground oik that broke in for water?!!! Should have gone to his stall and knocked everything over!
    I won’t get that book to read, I know the ending now 😄

  2. I am feeling tired this evening, it has been a busy few days, but no desperately urgent work needed on the garden for a few days!
    It has been overcast quite a bit today and a slight shower this afternoon,

  3. Looks like a fun day was had xxx

  4. It was very noisy, especially the beer garden last night, the house was vibrating!
