Thursday 7 July 2022

Feeling a bit better!

I have had another fairly lazy day but at least am feeling like trying to get things done. Steve has been working in the garden today getting a trench ready for and the ground ready for the electric charging post coming later in the month. Looking quite dramatic out there and as well as the cats going under that fence we think the hedgehog may use that route as well, so we have tried to blog it so that. We don’t have another casualty!

The gap under that fence has been a run between the gardens since we got here. Fingers crossed all will be well.
I unpacked the duvet set I bought a couple of weeks back, for material not as a bed cover, to eventually make more dungarees. Maybe two pairs as I like both materials equally! Also unpacked the new ironing board cover and put it on.

I have been asked to make a wedding card so had a bit of a play today, I have ordered a fine silver pen to write the poem but had a play today.
I have helped Tina do some watering this evening, so a slightly more active day!
The consultant phoned me this evening as he had received the results. Not conclusive, three options, it could be that the nerve is still trapped somewhere, or the scar tissue could be compressing it or thirdly it could be that the nerve is damaged and not working properly because of the length of time it has been squashed. The only way to know for sure is for the operation to be repeated. He will add me to the nhs waiting list but we can discuss it further when I see him in a couple of weeks.
Cup of tea time now and trying the second episode of the cyber drama!


  1. A lazy day is good. You should have more of them. Bet Steve wished he’d had a lazy day too. Bet digging that trench was hard work! I do hope you don’t lose a hedgehog down there. Bet you’ll be checking it first thing in the morning. Di the Rev set up the trail cam to try to catch the hedgehog visiting its shelter? Hope she has/does as I’d like to see it.
    For someone who was almost ready to throw the last pair of dungarees out the window it’s quite amusing to hear you might make two more pairs 😄 It is nice material though and should be a bit easier than last time. Great ironing board cover 😊🐝
    Your writing is extremely neat on your practice sheets. Should be a nice card.
    Well at least the surgeon was honest, and hasn’t promised you a magic cure. You’ll have to give it some thought and decide which way you want to go. Life is all decisions!
    I’m still not sure about the drama. I’ll give it another go and see.

    1. Feeling pretty tired now, but early days with the Covid and definitely on the mend at the moment.
      The consultant is such a charming man and honesty is the best policy! That just made me smile thinking of the latest government pickle!!
