Wednesday 6 July 2022

Restful Covid day!

I managed to sleep reasonably well without too many coughing fits and even the hand wasn’t as bad as usual! I was up quite late so Tina brought me a cup of tea which was very welcome. She was amused that I had Pandora stretched out on top of me, she is a funny cat and likes keeping tabs on me! I got a package ready t send with stuff that I was delivering n my trip so Tina went and posted it for me and came back with flowers from the florist next t the post office. They were long blooms so was able to put them in my bargain 50p vase from the boot sale!
On Sunday Tina brought me two bottles of ginger ale in that Charlie from next door had given her for me as they had found them in the back of a cupboard! Not Fever Tree, but really nice, as you can see I am on the way through one of them!
A few weeks ago I got this cute little tin for 50p and inside it had some stamps that had been torn off envelopes, so a spent a while with that relaxing task while I watched the tennis!

When Tina was out Judi, one of the church wardens bought a card round for me. She had been on the icon course and has rally bad eyesight so struggled a bit so was thrilled with this card that she had made with dots, very attractive.
I haven’t done a lot today, did some unpacking and did feed the birds this morning and watered the bonsai trees this evening. Watched a long tennis match that didn’t finish the was I’d have liked it to. So watching women’s football now, England have just scored. Pandora has just joined me!


  1. Sounds like Covid is good for your sleeping if nothing else! You need to stretch it out for as long as possible if you get tea in bed in the mornings 😊 Nice flowers too., and the vase isn’t bad for 50p. You might have to miss boot sale bargain hunting this weekend if you’re still not feeling well enough to go. Although Darren will probably still find a bargain for you.
    Free ginger beer as well. This Covid lark is good!
    Do you have craft plans for the stamps?
    Love the card. That’s a lot of work for someone with bad eyesight. Very thoughtful. See, people are missing you already. Probably worried that Tina has bumped you off for the insurance 😊
    Don’t go mad at doing jobs, take it easy…ish. You must be bored though if you’re watching football 🙄

  2. Haven’t much choice but to take it easy, busy for a few minutes and I am exhausted!
    No immediate plans for the stamps, but may make another card with them in the future!
    Englands women in the European cup. Not really concentrating on it!
