Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Scrabble meeting missed!

The early morning sun on the snowdrops in ththe back garden was glorious, taken through a window so not the clearest of pictures.
This morning I walked up to Jeans house to deliver a bag of snowdrops. I cried them in my rucksack as she lives near the Floral Hall so a fair way. She was in and we ended up having a cuppa and a natter for an hour. I lakes home and spent a bit of time and then had lunch with Tina as she is going away for a couple of days to have relaxing time off.
It was Scrabble group this afternoon, I knew the road that today’s host live in but not the number but hoped that the other ladies would spot me. Some pictures of the church yard on my way as spring is bursting out.

I walked up to Ranby Crescent where the meeting was taking place, about a mile away. Walked the whole length of it and then back along it but didn’t see anyone I know. Went to phone one of the ladies and realised that I only had her landline number! So I walked home again and was pretty tired by then.
I went to the shops this afternoon as I have ordered a new electric pan and wanted to get some ingredients in for when it arrives.
Just been doing a bit of sorting apart from a lot of walking today.......


  1. Some really crisp, clear, bright pics. Looks like a summers day. Everywhere is looking very colourful too.
    Shame you didn’t get a game of scrabble, but it sounds like you got a fair bit of exercise from the trip out!
    Hopefully Tina will have a couple of relaxing days away while you get to look after, and no doubt spoil Darren. You love it 😊

  2. I got plenty of fresh air today, that is for sure.
    I will make sure that I have some contact numbers before the next meeting!
