Saturday 20 April 2024

What a plonker!

The day had a stressful start, but because of me! I went to the shop fairly early and bought quite a few bits, had a drink with Darren and then remembered that I was supposed to buy a pizza, which I had forgotten. So said I would go down again to get one. Then I couldn’t find my purse, looked everywhere I had been since I got home which was only a couple of rooms downstairs. No purse and rising panic. Went back down to the shop to see if it had been handed in, but no joy. So back home to find debit and credit card phone numbers to get them cancelled. One a bit of a performance and one pretty straightforward. No point worrying about the cash and loyalty cards, the important part was stopping them being used. Then, talking to Mike who said he always puts his wallet back into his pocket and didn’t leave it on the side which suddenly make me think that perhaps I had put it in my shoulder bag! I had hung that up downstairs,  and sure enough there was my purse! Ah well, not too much spending going to happen this week until they arrive. Then I went to the shop gain to get the pizza!
Then off into the garden to continue where I had left off yesterday. The ground was quite hard on that bed but had loosened it while weeding.
Tina for lunch then but out into the garden gain afterwards. This time the bed in front of the summer house. A lot of small areas of couch grass appearing so good to get some of them shifted.
There is a plant that appears quite regularly ll over the garden, doesn’t hand big roots and I usually just hoe it down. But one by the base of the magnolia tree has flowered nd it is a very unusual bloom, so I may leave more of them alone now!
Another bed clearer, but still couch grass present I fear.
After a bit of a break I put some of the new plants in that bed,

Quite a busy day so an easy evening.


  1. Glad to have been a bit of help in the case of the missing purse. It’s definitely good that you found it as redoing all the loyalty cards would have been a pain, and losing cash isn’t good. Shame you now have to wait for new cards though. It might save you spending money for a week until the new cards arrive, but that’s a bonus 🙂 Alls well that ends well.
    You’ve achieved quite a bit more in the garden today. It’s looking good. I still don’t know how you cope with it as it’s a never ending job. I did a bit of dusting today, another never ending job, and that finished me off! You have so much more get up and go than I have 🙂
    Enjoy your easy evening in readiness of some full blown bargain hunting in the morning!

  2. Yes, as you say, alls well that ends well. Boot sale if the weather is kind, and hopefully a bit more time in the garden. It really is never ending and the weeds have taken off now.
    The knee seems to be holding up well to the extra activity. My fitness level not so much!
