Monday 22 April 2024

Wet, grey and cold!

It hasn’t been a great day weather wise and I have had quit bad stomach cramps and this evening a little heady. HopefullyI haven’t got whatever Tina has got, but hopefully it will settle down over night. Tin has still been quite unwell but seems a bit brighter this evening and has managed to eat something. 
I cleared some shelves and dusted and polished, not something I do as often as I should as I have so many ornaments.
The second package from The Museum Selection arrived and I am really pleased with these two garden ornaments. The small humming bird will need to be fixed to a fence.
The spade stake looks great in the garden.
Despite the rain I decided to go and clear an area I had strimmed so that I could put a fir plant that was dying in tub into the garden. I thought I had taken a photo of the wild, wet weedy mess where I had strimmed, but obviously not. We had this fir when we first got here so after six years it was so pot bound I had to break up the flower pot to remove it. The ground is still messy and I will move the pile of rubbish and tidy up when the ground is drier.
I met Sher for an hour in a new cafe that has opened in the town and we had a chai latte and piece of cake. Luckily the cramps weren’t too bad when I was out.
Got tea for the three of us as Tina felt up to eating this evening. So hopefully she will feel much better tomorrow.
Feel weary this evening, not feeling shattered is unusual at the moment. Maybe it will be dry tomorrow and I can do a bit in the garden.


  1. I hope you haven’t caught anything off the Rev either. You could do without any germs and bugs at the moment. Hopefully it’s just something that you’ll be able to sleep off tonight 🤞
    I really do like the two new ornaments. The spade looks great in that bed. You’ve got some nice things in that garden. It’s a pity you can’t just sit and relax in it occasionally and make the most of it.
    I bet the fir breathed a very deep sigh of relief when you broke it out of its pot! I’m sure it’ll repay you by sprouting lots of new growth.
    So, will the new cafe become another regular one for you? I suppose anywhere that does a nice chai and cake deserves at least a second visit 🙂
    Hope you wake up refreshed and the weather is kind to you tomorrow. Don’t go mad out there though.

  2. Still not feeling quite right, but on the up I think.
    I love the new garden ornaments, finding somewhere that shows them to their best is fun, not sure where the humming bird will go, it needs to be where I won’t walk into it!
    The drink and cake were really good and the new cafe opens from eight until five very day, very unusual for Hornsea which seems to close down before four!
