Sunday 21 April 2024

Boot sale and garden

We went to the boot sale and it was quite busy today. I just took one crutch and for a while carried it as it was making my hand hurt! I bought a very nice little bonsai dish with its tray for a pound, it needs a clean but it is in good condition. I also got a really lovely fire screen, I have one which hides stuff on shelves, but this embroidered one in much more attractive.
I had ordered some more garden ornaments and the bluebell stake arrived today. The bluebells are actually bells.
I have done quite a bit in the garden today but not too many boring photos, I tidied another flower bed and did a lot of strimming. I tidied the steps up to the greenhouse and went round all the edges of the lawn with the strimmer. I have two batteries a I ran the first one down! Then I went to start digging up the giant snowdrops which were smothering the heucheras and some primulas. The bulbs are huge and a lot of them, I will try and find them a home as I don’t want to plant them.
I moved a couple of the heucheras and hopefully they will flourish, as they are lovely.
When I sat on the swing for a rest my little friend joined me.
I put the stake out in the garden and it looked great when the sun caught it,
Tina has been unwell today so Darren suggested that he and I go and have fish and chips to save me cooking. So we did just that nd I wandered to see the sea while he waited to order then we sat and ate it in the car as it was a chilly wind.
Another lazy eveningI am afraid!


  1. Some really good boot bargains today. I know the good bonsai pots are expensive. So a pound is very good. I really like the fire screen too. I’d have bought if I saw it. Good job we don’t go booting together as we’d always be fighting over stuff 🙂
    Garden photos aren’t boring, so keep them coming. I like to see the before and after pics you do. You should put the snowdrops in a box on the wall with a note saying help yourself. I bet they’d soon disappear. The “snowbells” ornament looks nice. I’m sure it sounds nice when it jingles too.
    Brilliant idea of Darrens to get fish and chips. He is good 🙂 And you get to visit the sea. Nice way to end a day, and no washing up either. I hope the Rev feels better soon.
    You deserve lazy evenings as you rarely have lazy days 🙂

  2. The embroidery in the screen it really fine, it is a heavy, solid construction too.
    A productive day in the garden, just as well as it has rained over night and is forecast to rain on and off all day today. Probably not a bad thing as there is lots I could get stuck into!
    It was l one to have tea by the sea from our favourite chippy!
