Tuesday 2 April 2024

Breakfast with Angela

I went to the banking hub early and bought some milk on the way back. I love this plant, from the wallflower family, but rainbow blooms.
Angela came to collect me and we went to had breakfast at Lily’s. After breakfast we had a coffee and chatted some more. Did a few chores and went and checked the greenhouse, on the rockery some years ago I used a large stump to grow ivy over. That has really taken off, can’t see the stump anymore.
Two of my bonsai trees are looking great, the Japanese one is evergreen but my favourite one is just coming into leaf.
I did a bit of painting on the dragonfly pot then got on with dinner. Went outside with Tina this evening while she put some bulbs in the garden. 
Sitting with the ice pack on my knee and the cat on my lap, but will try and finish painting the pot tonight.


  1. The banking hub is still there then. It must be getting used, so that’s good.
    Glad you got out for a bit of breakfast. It always taste better when you’re with someone and you don’t have to cook it 😊
    I remember you starting the ivy off on the stump. It’s come on a bit since then. In fact the garden and the plants all look good. The bonsai have been a Labour of love, and hard work at times. Worth the effort though. As you say, they’re looking great.
    I still find it highly amusing when you plant bulbs in the garden after all the effort you’ve put in digging so many out over the years 😀
    Hope you get the pot done and get it there tomorrow to be fired.

  2. Pot finished, it will have to be good enough now!
