Friday 19 April 2024

Visits and gardening

I went to visit Bel this morning as usual, she was fine if a little tired she is doing a stinker of a jigsaw that her nephew went her of the Northern lights. Nearly as much sky as the Turner one that I did. After I left her I went along to the banking hub and collected my medication from the chemist.
Had a quick lunch and then went out into the garden for a while before getting ready for Jean coming to visit. Started where ai left off the other day,
Jean came to visit this afternoon and we had the usual chuppah and cake. When she left I got out into the garden again for a bit and started along the back bed.
Not much else to report, another quiet evening I think.


  1. Quite an active day with the walking and gardening. Did you take the stick with you today, or did you risk it without again?
    Looks like the weather played ball for you doing the gardening. You really seem to be getting on top of those beds now. Have you sorted out with the new “lawn man” about him doing the edges as he’s supposed to? It would save you a little more work, and it all helps when you’re talking about a garden that size.
    A quiet evening sounds like a good plan…….the saxophone can wait 😂

  2. Yes, the saxophone isn’t going anywhere!
    Getting the lawn flatter is the priority for the moment, the clumps are becoming trip hazards!
    The back of those beds are bad, but a bit at a time and see how it goes.
