Thursday 11 April 2024

No more painting this bowl design!

After I got the new paints from the pottery studio I spent at least a couple of hours each of the last two nights trying to finish the bowl I bought home. This one is not a sample I bought it because I liked the design and ai liked the one I was painting at the studio. I had hoped to finish it yesterday evening but was too tired, but ai was up early so finished it this morning before catching the bus up to the studio.
I still had to finish the same design at the studio which ai did but didn’t start a new sample as I was painted out for this week!
Yesterday I bought a Windowlene equivalent and some mini rollers. This afternoon I went into the greenhouse to shade the windows to protect the plants in there.the small roller was definitely one of my better ideas. Problem is the new stuff dries pink not white!

Feeling quite weary so haven’t done much else, did get some towels washed and out on the line for a change, but otherwise bit of reading and bit of tv.


  1. I’m not surprised you’re giving bowls a miss for a while. Not the easiest of things to paint, and two is a lot of work. I’m looking forward to seeing the end results though, I’m sure it’ll be worth it. You’ve done quite a few samples for them now, and you’ve got a few new things for yourself. Good job you like painting!
    I’ve not seen Windowlene for years. Everyone used to use it on their greenhouses at one point, more than using it for cleaning windows 🙂 It’s nice to have a pink greenhouse though…it’ll be cool in more ways than one 🙂
    I think you’ve earned a rest this evening. Enjoy some tv with your feet up.

  2. I hope the bowls will be worth the effort!
    I am pleased to get the windows done in the greenhouse so plants will be protected when the blistering sun arrives!
    Having the operation has made me get used to lazing around, best shake that off before too long!
