Thursday 4 April 2024

A better day

This morning I got a couple of loads of washing done and bought goodies from the Ringtons man I had some cooking apples which would soon be heading for the bin and we have a lot of rhubarb in the garden, so I made a crumble, have made one for a while now.
Late morning I went along to Botany Boutique to see Sher for a bit took a picture of the church on my way.
Had a drink and chat with Sher and took a couple of pics of plants, but didn’t buy any! The flowering one was very spectacular.
Tina had messaged to say she would be put all day so I decided to go along to Lily’s Fish and Chip place and have lunch there, very tasty it was too.
Before that I had seen a book in the window of the Greyhound charity shop, went into buy it and there was a cute Spanish gecko near the counter! Dropped my purchases off at home before going to have my lunch.
Have read the book and some interesting quotes, but also a brief but informative description of her life.
I went down to change the water in the bird baths as I felt guilty when I saw a blackbird having a bath in less that inviting water! Also watered the plants in the greenhouse and planted my Moonflower seeds. I hope they grow as they only open at night!
I did still drop off while trying to read or watching the tv, but hopefully that will improve. Ever the optimist!!


  1. Out and about a bit today. That’s good, although I hope you didn’t overdo it.
    I like the white flower, almost doesn’t look real. The leaves on the other plant are lovely too.
    I’m guessing the fish and chips were good. I think they taste better when you go somewhere and eat out. They never taste quite so good at home. I must go to Parrots again soon.
    Couple of nice charity shop bargains for you. Very colourful gecko. You must have a good number of them by now.
    Never heard of Moonflowers. I hope they grow too. Very unusual.
    I’ll wish you a good night, but not sure if it’ll do any good.

  2. It was good to be put and about a bit and yes, the fish and chips were very good.
    Probably got too many geckos, but that one is particularly cute.
    Botany Boutique is a great shop and so many unusual and exotic plants in there.
