Sunday 7 April 2024

Boot Sale and sewing

Darren took me to the boot sale as usual, it had looked lovely today but the wind was really cold and the clouds came along with the stormy weather. We enjoyed our sandwich and although there weren’t as many stalls as last week I managed to go all round and not retreat to the car. I got some plain brown gift tags and also a really lovely Bourne Derby flower pot. Two pics of it as the pattern is lovely.
I have had a pretty quiet day but did get the sewing machine out and made the cushion cover for the stool I got a while ago that was minus its cushion so a real bargain. The material was come that Tina bought back from Zimbabwe.
Quite pleased with how it turned out.
Sitting around with the legs elevated now!


  1. Getting around the whole boot sale is a definite improvement, so that’s great! Trouble is it means you’ll be able to buy much more stuff than you have been lately 🙂 I love the flower pot. It’s a great pattern and something I would have chosen myself. I also really like the cushion for the stool. That is so colourful. A great use for the material, definitely.
    An evening with your feet up sounds a good idea after bargain hunting this morning. Take it easy.

  2. Yes, definitely managing to walk a bit further. Not using the crutches at all indoors and only use one when I go down to the greenhouse, so definite improvement if nottoomuxhrespite in the night yet.
    I love th flower pot and pleased with the cushion cover, so a good day.
