Tuesday 23 April 2024

Another new hat

First amazing news was that my new debit and credit cards arrived today, pretty good as I only cancelled them on Saturday. I went to see Sarah and David this morning who told me about their coach holiday to Italy. They bought me back a baseball cap, so my second Italian one. I may not get to visit any of these places but getting hats to enjoy!
I took the cards with me and went to the bank and activated the debit card. I called in at the Co op on the way back and the credit card was declined. Made me doubt I had remembered the PIN number!
After lunch I went with Tina to look at a prospective house for her curate who is starting at the end of June. I walked to Sher’s shop after that to book Tina and myself onto a craft course and the credit card was declined again. So I phoned the bank when I got in and had the card activated by a recorded message, so fingers crossed! I wanted some decent shears so went to Boyes and found some and used the credit card and this time it worked.
I used the shears tidying around the rockery and did do a little bit of tidying in the front garden.
Sitting here this evening looked up in time to see a rainbow.
It has been an on and off day again with showers and a bitterly cold wind.
Pottery studio n the morning, but no particular plans on what to paint.


  1. Cool hat. Hip and trendy like the youngsters. You’ll be skateboarding next 😂
    The bank sorted the cards very quickly. I suppose they want to get you spending again as quick as possible. Sounds like you made a good start with them. Good excuse about having to test them 🙂 Good job you did though as you had a slight hiccup with the credit card.
    Nice rainbow to finish off with. I’ve not seen one for ages.
    Enjoy a bit of pottery painting.

  2. Great hat and now I think that will be what they look for when they go travelling again!
    I was amazed the got the cards out that quickly, very efficient and considering the post these days very unexpected!
    Almost missed the rainbow, just looked up from where I was sitting at the right moment as it soon disappeared.
