Saturday 6 April 2024

Progressing, took a bus ride today.

I went to the shop early to get some rolls in for lunch then got ready to catch the bus up to Freeport. Best to see how I went with a short trip and I managed well I called in at the studio and had a drink then walked up to Pound Stretcher and went into a few other shops. I took my rucksack so that I didn’t have a bag swinging about the crutch and hitting me in the leg! Called into the studio again and had another drink before getting the bus home.
Took a photo of a colourful flower container before I left.
I haven’t done a great deal this afternoon except go and check on all the plants in the greenhouse. Quite a bit of walking this morning a dthekeg was aching a bit, but have done the exercises a couple of times and iced, the progress on the bending is still very slow!
Short entry today but will finish with a fourteen year old picture.


  1. It’s good you managed to get out for a little trip like that. Onward and upward as they say. I suppose it’s going to be a case of doing as much as you can when you can. Hopefully you’ll get there in the end. Certainly won’t be for want of training.
    I remember that photo. She’s always loved uncle Darren. 🙂

  2. Little steps is the name of the game, but at least then you feel you are moving forward.
    Lovely photo, I have. Few of them together.

  3. Aww, lovely Uncle Darren ❤️
