Monday 29 April 2024

So many jobs and too many triffids!

Apart from going to the post box early it has been a gardening day. When the huge bay tree was cut down we never cleared underneath and since then the weeds have run amok. The fairly garden bits were all there, but no longer to be seen! I imagine the tree being gone has meant water can get there and the weed suppressor had all rotted now.
I removed the weeds and had to move all fairy garden bits and large stones onto the lawn for a while. Under the weeds were a layer of leaves which needed removing as well. This is one after which needs little more explanation!
After lunch I went out to the walled garden, another area sadly neglected, not completely sorted, but a lot better..
I walked down the back of the garden and the next job had better be strimming as it will soon be difficult to walk along there safely!
Not intending to do a lot this evening, feet up and resting the legs afforded a while.


  1. You have been busy! Both of those sets of pics shows a huge transformation. I bet that was hard work. Not surprised you intended to have an easy evening.
    Sounds like you’ve got tomorrow planned already, assuming the weather is kind to you. There never seems to be a time when you can just sit back and enjoy the garden. I do hope you have a good night in readiness for tomorrow 🙂

  2. Won’t be doing a lot of gardening today. But the sun is shining so hopefully some between seeing Angela and going with Tina to the tee hospital.
