Friday 12 April 2024

Family on breaks and back in the garden.

This week Anya and family have had a short break ‘somewhere up north’ and they had a very cold wet start, didn’t stop a brief visit to the beach though!
Darren and Tina are away nearby, enjoying Heron lakes, the weather is a bit kinder too.
I finished reading a book last night, so went to bed a bit later and then didn’t sleep at all well, apart from leg discomfort I had a continuing unsettling dream. Serves me right for reading a thriller before retiring.!
Today I got some washing out on the line again, such a pleasure and went to the bank and the card shop. Then decided to go and use the strimmer as the path leading up to the garden bin will soon be impassable. Before I have lifted all the pavers and dug out the weeds, but that is a step too far at the moment. But at least it is obviously a path now.
Some while go I got a heron garden ornament at the garden centre in Driffield, and got another lovely garden decoration from Anya and family at Christmas. So decided to have them both on the fence by Luciens beer garden.
Jean came round for a while this afternoon and she was quite bright today although suffering with her aches and pains. When she left I did go and do a bit more strimming in the back garden. Have managed quite well but taking it easy now,
Will finish with a picture from a few years back, taken on one of the international video calls.


  1. Definitely looks like Darren and the Rev did better that Anya and clan! Although I suppose the Rev having friends in high places helps 🙂
    Probably not a good idea reading thrillers before you try to sleep. But I suppose any reading stimulates the brain which doesn’t help. Try laying in a dark room with a cup of camomile tea next time.
    The bin path was really in need of some care and attention. It had almost disappeared. Great things battery operated strummers, and not to far to take the debris to the bin either 🙂
    The garden ornaments look nice now you’ve got them up. You’ve been quite active today. I hope you don’t suffer later for it.
    The pic of the American clan is a lovely one. Don’t think I’ve seen that before.

  2. A busier day and not feeling too bad so far.
    Good if I can start getting some jobs done in the garden, weed growing season is now at full strength!
    Haven’t started a new book yet, my new Puzzler magazine has arrived!
