Monday 15 April 2024

Just William!

Went to the garden centre with Angela. She often looks after other people’s pets for them and today William joined us! Such a cute little guy and quite photogenic!
We just had a sandwich today as Angela was going out again this afternoon for Afternoon Tea. We had a look round and you won’t be surprised that I bought a few plants. 
Didn’t buy this one, but was tempted!
I did some chores and went to the shops, but other than that nothing really tell. Much quieter day today which is probably sensible!


  1. Well I don't think a quiet day will do you any harm. Every now and then it's good for you. At least you got some plants in readiness for your next not so quiet day 🙂
    That's a very cute, and photogenic little dog. It does make it a little tempting to get another pet, but luckily I'm strong willed......ish!
    Hope you get a reasonable night.

  2. He was so well behaved when we were out as well, I don’t think Angela has had him to stay before, but I imagine whe will have him again.
    Maybe a bit of gardening today.
