Sunday 30 April 2023

Surprise trips!

I am writing the blog early as we will probably watch a film or play a game after dinner. We spent the morning indoors chatting and watching some Annika. After lunch we drove to Longthorpe village and went along to the tower. Anya had booked tickets as it was a special day with people in costume giving a guided tour. There was a steep staircase to the higher floor but I did manage and it was very interesting. The paintings are medieval and the oldest ones in a private dwelling in the country. Various people giving talks about life in medieval times, the surgeon particularly had some pretty gruesome tales!
The first picture was a coat of arms on a gate not related to the tower.
The tour was ninety minutes and very interesting. After that we had a leisurely walk to Holywell Ponds in Longthorpe which has apparently been taken over by volunteers since the pandemic.
A really lovely, restful place to visit.
I didn’t go down to that area but Anya did and took a couple of photos and another one on a notice board to show what it was like.
You can hardly make out this tiny duckling but they were racing along the water like they were battery operated!
When we were on the way there a very unusual tandem passed us with the smaller part at the front. They had parked at the ponds.
One final picture and now looking forward to a quiet family evening,


  1. A smashing day out and lots of really nice pictures. I bet the tour was fun and interesting too. The garden looked really nice too. I particularly like the ponds. A really nice day weather wise for it also. A quiet family evening sounds like the perfect end to the day.

  2. It was a lovely afternoon and very different surprises. A really special ‘birthday weekend’. Heading home tomorrow.
