Monday 10 April 2023

Big day for Darren and Tina.

An unusual day, Darren’s birthday and Tina getting ready to go on her adventure to Zimbabwe. After cards and gifts they went off to get some more dollars for Tina’s trip and to get me some more fat balls (thanks to the terror squirrels I don’t have any!). We had dinner at lunch time and after Tina had finished off church business she got on with packing.
It began to rain hard but I decided to get to the shop for some fresh rolls for tea. The water was running along the street, but you can’t really tell.
The tulips are opening in the main bed in the front garden.
I took the new boxes of fat balls down to the store, although I may have to rethink the storage.
I spent yesterday evening trimming used stamps I have been collecting and this afternoon I made a card.
We had tea together and Tina set off for Mirfield. She has arrived there safely and flies out tomorrow.
I will finish with a photo from three years ago.


  1. Happy Birthday Darren ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽ
    It has been a different day for you. One getting older and one going away for a while. Glad to hear they managed to get you a new supply of fat balls. I’m sure you’ll be able to tell which squirrel pinched them, it’ll be the big fat one! We had a fair bit of rain here too on and off, and at one point it was a deluge, so I can imagine how the water would be flowing down your road. Maybe you should have given going to the shops a miss.
    The main bed looks nice. I can see a few weeds, but all things considered it’s not too bad.
    I like the card. Maybe the next one you make will have kings heads on it instead of the queen.
    Hope the Rev has a nice holiday in Zimbabwe. Probably be warmer than here.
    The moon still looks like that even after three years. Amazing ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Yes, unusual day but al good in the end. Darren has had a relaxing day and favourite dinner and Tina got everything ready to head off on her venture.
    My leg has been a little iffy, but I can get about within reason so could be worse.
    Will be a while before we start getting the Kings head stamps I think.
