Saturday, 22 April 2023

Maybe okay bright idea!

This morning Darren and I went to Tesco for a big shop, made a real change as we have been having grocery deliveries since lock down.
Then I did a bit of doing odd jobs in the town, firstly got the trolley ready to take the latest box of stuff to the charity shop. I wanted to go to the cash point and Darren had said the monthly market stalls were on cinema street so took a wander down there. Didn’t buy anything and didn’t get any cash either as the cash point was out of order! I did have to sit on a wall on the way back as my knee was plying up! Then I walked up to the bike cum DIY shop to get chain and clips to use with the dustbins when they arrived. More of that as we go on, seemed like a brilliant idea at the time!
The guy in the shop was helpful and cut the chain into three equal lengths for me.
After lunch I went out to start clearing a place behind the summer house so that I could put down some tiles for the bins to stand on.
I had sent a text to Sal to see if Carol could cut my hair before I go to Peterborough. Sal phoned and said she could come this afternoon so that was good, she even used the tong things this time!
The dustbins arrived while she was cutting my hair!
The lids are not a very good fit and not a lot of rim. So when I tried using the chains and clips the lids still moved and a squirrel could have wriggled in! I tried a different way and then turned the lid once it was chained, I think they seem quite safe now, but time will tell.
I felt I had done enough today after laying the tiles and fighting with the lids, but if it works all the bird supplies are in them.
Will finish with a photo from Tina who has visited a small nature reserve today.


  1. I think shopping can be fun at times, although you do tend to buy things on the spur of the moment, unlike when ordering online.
    That’s a lot of chain! It’s amazing the lengths you have to go to to stop those pesky squirrels! Shame the dustbins don’t have the deep rim on the lids like in ye olden days. They’ll do anything to save money these days. I hope the chains do the job and keep the vermin out. Time will tell I suppose 🤞They look good sat on the tile base you laid for them.
    Great pic from the Rev. Wish I was on holiday with her.
    Your hair looks good by the way.

  2. Feeling weary tonight but it will be worth it if the lids stay on, although feeding the birds now will take considerably longer!
    If I feel like it I will give the greenhouse a good clear out and clean tomorrow, you never know, may actually grow things in there and be able to have the door open a bit!
