Wednesday 19 April 2023

Busier than of late!

This morning I went up and down the road to take the collected recycling to drop off points. An estate agent has  bin for used medication packs and the co-op had a large bin for soft plastic. Called in at the parish hall to say hello to Jean as well as she was getting ready for the Wednesday morning service. Then I thought I would go into the garden and try to edge the lawns, but as always weeding was involved.
Pandora was outside with me, down on the lawn, when I female duck landed not far away and she was in pounce mode! Me shrieking at her loudly enough had her running for cover. By the time I got her indoors the duck had flown off!
Made a start and then went in for some lunch and wrote a quick note to a friend and went and posted it before I went back outside. Didn’t manage to edge everywhere but along one side, so a start.
I was waiting for someone to call round between sessions so pulled a fair amount of grass out of the overgrown bed in front of the house.
This bush in the front garden has a wonderful range of colour!
I went and sat on the swing for a while and enjoyed looking at the garden and listening to the birds. The acer in front of the summer house looked like it was on fire!
I took a couple of pics of the twigs coming into leaf against the sky, sorry for going all arty!
The rockery is looking good, the aubretia has really taken now and the ivy is now growing over the tree stump.
The white area is looking good.
I did use the camera for some pics and had forgotten how good it was. Couldn’t decide between these two so will post them both.
Had a cuppa with Darren when he got home and then went out and did some weeding in the wilder area, filled the garden cart so that was enough of that for today. May be going out with Angela to sketch tomorrow so washed down a folding chair that has been stood out all winter!
Feet up now. I have been using the stronger knee support which seemed to help, but don’t want to overdo it, if I haven’t already!


  1. You have been a busy bee today. I hope your body doesn’t decide you’ve overdone it and make you pay tonight!
    I can definitely see a big difference in the bed you’ve pictured. Weeding is ALWAYS involved!
    Lucky you were out there when the duck appeared. I’m sure Pandora would have enjoyed “playing” with it.
    You really do have some great colours in your gardens. The bush in front of the summerhouse does actually look on fire. Although a burning bush in a vicarage garden shouldn’t really be out of place ๐Ÿ˜‚ The rockery is really established now. I like old rockeries.
    Don’t apologise for arty pics, they look good.
    Both those pics with the camera are really good. Nice and crisp. Your phone is good for pics, but you can’t beat a proper camera for nice crisp shots.
    Well it definitely sounds to me as though you’ve overdone, but no surprise there really! ๐Ÿ™„ At least tomorrow should be an easier day.

  2. Not feeling too achey yet, so fingers crossed!
    I have felt more motivated which is good and I am happy to have got a reasonable bit done in the garden.will hopefully feel like getting some more done before ai had down to Peterborough for a few days.
