Sunday 9 April 2023

Busy boot sale

Darren and I were away to the boot sale at 7.30am and it was crowded already when we got there with some sellers still arriving. After our breakfast sandwich we started looking round, I didn’t do the whole think as the field was uneven and very muddy which wasn’t good for my painful knee. I got a lovely duck ornament and a book for 50p each and Darren got some bits for his projects and we got a couple of bits for Tina.

Darren got me a stunning otter ornament which was considerably more than 50p!

I was up early to make sure Tina was up and ready to go to her sunrise service, so have been quite weary, and didn’t want to do much and aggravate the knee as I did a bit more walking y Easter day. I went out to feed the birds and found my store open and the tub that had been full of fat balls upended and empty. The squirrels had gnawed enough of the top away to enable them to hook one of the doors open! No shops open so couldn’t get 
Darren to take me out to get more fat balls! I have tried to wedge the door but don hood out much hope!
Tina cooked a very nice dinner and this evening I have been reading the new book. May even get inspired enough to ‘tap to tidy’!


  1. Glad you got to the boot sale. It’s worth going just for the sarnie! Looks like you got a few bargains too. I like the duck, and the book sounds perfect for when you’re on one of your tidying blitzes again. The otter is lovely. 60p ? 😄
    I’m not surprised you’re weary. You were up at silly o’clock to get the Rev up.
    The squirrels don’t seem quite so cute when they do things like that. Crossbow anyone? 😊I’d say that cupboard is buggered! You should empty the shed with the mower in and use that for your storage!

  2. It was very busy there today, holiday weekend and the caravaners all back.
    We usually find something, had better start working on the principle get something new, get rid of something!
