Tuesday 25 April 2023

Nice trip out and tea by the sea!

Yesterday evening I went down to the front late with Darren as he had heard the Northern Lights might be visible. It was cloudy and they weren’t. I had taken the camera but couldn’t remember how to change the setting so couldn’t get a pic of the sea, but on the phone I can turn to night shots and managed a couple of recognisable ones!
One of the moon from the camera.
This morning I topped up the bird feeders and bird baths and got some extra food for the cats so that Darren would be well stocked up. Angela called for me t 11.30am and we went to a restaurant by a lake near Brandesburton. We had a lovely meal and a good chat, Angel treated me for my birthday. Lovely views from where I sat.
This afternoon I tidied up the path leading to the garden bin. I didn’t take a before picture.
I decided to make a sponge for Darren, haven’t done my baking for a while.
This evening Darren drove us down to the front and we had fish and chips in the car. A lovely evening but quite chilly.
While we ate the fish and chips two seagulls sat on the wall alongside the car looking at us, it was very funny!
A nice day, quite weary now and up and out early, so won’t be too late to bed.


  1. I like the night shots of the sea . The slow shutter speed blurs the movement of the sea nicely. You did very well to hold it still enough so that everything else was in focus! Even the moon pic is good. Considering all it is is a single bit of light in a totally black surrounding there’s absolutely no doubt what it is. Very artsy tonight.
    Wow, I like the look of that restaurant. A lovely pre birthday treat for you.
    The afternoon doesn’t look quite so much fun, but I know you’ll be happy to have sorted bits of the garden out before you go away.
    Oh my, you do spoil Darren. There’s enough sponge there for a family of six and he gets it all to himself! He shouldn’t go hungry while you’re away 🙂 It does look very tasty!
    Fish and chips in the car is a great way to finish off the evening there. There’s something about eating fish and chips in the car, specially with the sea in view. Tastes so much better. The seagulls obviously like the taste too. I’m guessing they were waiting for any leftovers, although I doubt there were any.
    I hope you sleep well tonight. It’ll be an early and long day for you tomorrow.

  2. It was pretty good food in the restaurant too, Angela really liked it so we may go again some time.
    Yes, I though I managed to hold the phone pretty still for those se shots.
    The seagulls didn’t get anything, must admit I was tempted but know that it isn’t wise to encourage them!
    Hopefully sleep okay and have a leg that is behaving in the morning!
