Wednesday 26 April 2023

Happy birthday to me!

I was up at 5.30am, had set the alarm for six but tween the knee and Pandora I gave up before then! We set off for Hull before seven as Darren was dropping me off on his way to work. Had time for a drink and a look for a magazine before catching the first train. Both trains weee fine and there was room for my case on the second one, so no problem getting to my seat. Rachel had been going to collect me at the station but Sk had gone into work and had the car. So I had to wait a little while but he came and took me across to Central Park. The only pics today are taking in the park, so sorry they are on your home ground Mike!
Anya joined me at the cafe for lunch which was nice and we both walked up to the care home afterwards. Anya wanted to sort a few things out with Margherita as she is helping sort out the bills so they are in Rose’s name. Margherita has been staying in bed for a while but she was in her chair today and one of the care assistants had painted her nails, so she was in fairly good spirits.
Came back with Rose after the visit and have looked at my cards and gifts, I brought them with me as we were leaving so early. We have just had a relaxing evening as I am feeling pretty tired now. But the good thing is that using the knee support I managed the travelling quite well.
Will finish with a pic from three years ago when I had a go at felting. I still have the otter but the other tow have been given to friends,


  1. Glad your train journey went ok. Shame Rachel couldn’t pick you up, but I’m sure you’ll get to see her.
    Yes the pics look very familiar today, but it is a lovely park so it’s no hardship looking at them.
    Dinner with Anya on your birthday was nice, and for you all to go and see Margherita. She definitely had a room full today. Really pleased Margherita was out of bed today, nails painted too, she’s living it up.
    Not surprised you’re tired as the travelling is enough to wear you out.
    I still have a felted squirrel you made me. Sits on my mantelpiece.
    Another birthday over with. They soon come round again though!

  2. A different birthday, but a nice day and I was so pleased I managed the travelling okay. It was lovely to have lunch with Anya and good to see Margherita.
    You do have a very lovely park here.
