Thursday 20 April 2023

Trip out with Angela

I did some washing this morning and got it out on the line again, all dried again, so nice to get the laundry dried outside.
Angela came just after ten thirty and drove some distance to a cafe by a lake. We took sketching stuff but sat and had breakfast first and I took a couple of pictures from there.
We then went to a different bench and did sketch for a little while.
We had another drink before we came back. I was wearing the stronger leg support again and decided to try and walk to the sea front. There are so many tulips in that front flower bed now, very colourful, and looks like the tamarix will be lovely this year too.
The wind was quite chilly and the sea quite choppy.
I went out to water the bonsai trees as it has been quite hot for a couple of days and had a look round the garden. Some stunning tulips out there too.
Taking it fairly easy tonight as don’t want to push my luck with the knee.


  1. Sounds like you had a good day. Sitting sketching with a friend is definitely better than pulling weeds 🙂 It looks really nice where you went.
    The tulips really are colourful. Good luck with the tamarix, I know the problems you’ve had with that in the past.
    I hope the leg doesn’t decide to make you pay for the extra walking 🤞

  2. It was a good day and hopefully the knee support will enable me to keep on going out and about a bit.
    A lovely place with the lake and greenery, as we were leaving we spotted better places to sit and sketch next time.
