Thursday 27 April 2023

Different furry friends!

During the night Mimi jumped onto the bed and on to me for a while, wanting to be fussed, but unlike Pandora she soon got off again while I was getting dressed she went up on the windowsill in the bedroom.
Rose and I chatted for a while this morning and headed off to town quite early. She had a meeting to attend in the afternoon but we allowed plenty of time as with the knee at present I cannot do rushing about. We met Mike for a coffee and then went into Queensgate as I had a couple of things I wanted to get. Rose bought me a nice metal gecko in the coffee shop.
We walked to Rivergate where we had lunch. I was using the walking stick today and was ready for a sit down by then!
Rose and I went into Asda to get some snacks for this evening and then went and had coffee and cake before going in a couple more shops before going to the appointment. It was raining by the time we came out, but not too heavily and it wasn’t too far to the bus stop.
Rose got a new scratch post tower and Buddy was enjoying the view when we got home.
Have done more walking today and the leg was pretty painful, but it doesn’t feel too bad now that I have been resting it.
Will finish of a photo of me and my brother that Margherita let me have. Can’t believe he has been gone for four years now. I had never seen this phot before and it is a lovely one,


  1. You obviously have an attraction to cats. They like to lay on you for some reason. Pandora does hold the record for length of time though 🙂
    It was nice to meet up with you for a while in town. The gifts in the little coffee shop are really nice. The iron gecko was a nice gift from Rose. Just don’t drop it on your foot!
    Evening snacks sound good, as does coffee and cake! Hopefully you’ll sleep well tonight after all the walking and eating. Assuming the leg doesn’t play you up too much. Hope you didn’t leave the stick in any other shops.
    Blimey, that’s a fancy cat tower! Bet it was a real puzzle to assemble too.
    That is a lovely photo.

  2. I did find it quite tiring, but it was a reasonable day and good to get to see how Rose is going after a while. Slowly trying to get things sorted out for her prior to move.
    It is a very swanky cat tower, Rose is good at assembling things though, which is good.
