Friday 21 April 2023

Visits and blitzing!

Not a lot to write about today. I went to see Bel a little later than usual as she went to have her Covid booster. She seemed fine so hope she doesn’t have any bad after effects from it. We had a cuppa and chat as usual, Jean phoned while I was there to say that Terry would pick me up. I didn’t argue although I would have been happy to walk, but she is the worlds biggest worrier.
I had some lunch when I came home and the started to blitz the bedroom!
Just before I was collected a cd I had ordered arrived. I have become almost addicted to American Idol auditions on YouTube and think the judges are really great. I had never heard of Luke Bryan but decided I would like to hear his songs, he is apparently a singer songwriter.
It did start to rain while I was at Jeans, but the walk there would have been okay. We chatted as usual and Terry fetched me home again.
After tea I hit the bedroom again. Looks like a bomb has dropped. I have loads of cds and don’t listen to most of them so have reduced the number by about a third, and filling a charity box with other stuff. Having a break as my leg was hurting but heading back soon as at the moment I cannot get into the bed!
I have some metal dustbins arriving tomorrow to have another attempt at keeping the squirrels away from the bird food!
Have played the cd once while I was sorting, sounds like my sort of music.


  1. Another full day for you today. I’m sure you would have enjoyed the walk, but I suppose they felt guilty having an old codger with a gammy leg hobbling to visit them 😂 Sounds like you’ve had plenty of exercise sorting out the bedroom. I must admit I had to smile that you said you have loads of cds you don’t listen that need culling, but you also had a new one delivered today 😀
    Hope you manage to find the bed amongst all the debris or it could be a night in the chair!

  2. Yes, that is quite funny, I keep thinking I will put music on more often and then don’t! Maybe this time, less to choose from!
