Sunday 23 April 2023

Washout boot sale and greenhouse clearing!

I went out early this morning to walk down to the cash point but it was still out of order. The windows in the museum have been decorated in preparation for the coronation.
It felt a bit damp in the air but We still went along to the boot sale. But it was sparse and our usual eatery was closed again so we decided we would have a quick look round and then go to Lily’s Beach Cafe for breakfast. There weren’t many stall holders and I didn’t buy anything and Darren just got a purse for Tina, with cats on of course. We were at the front before Lily’s opened so we had a hot chocolate sitting in the car. Took a pic from the cafe.
I had a chat with Anya and after lunch I went out to the greenhouse to start clearing it a bit now that the bird food is in the dustbins. I have a chair in the greenhouse and as my leg has been painful today I sat down for a bit. Took a pic looking out.
It had been raining so when Pandora joined me she was a soggy moggy! Promptly dried off on my lap while she washed her feet!
I not only cleared a lot of rubbish and swept up a bit I actually planted some seeds. A bit late but fingers crossed. I can leave the window open now when it gets hot because my troublesome squirrels will soon see there is nothing to eat!
A can’t decide moment again, although this time taken with the phone!
Will finish with a picture of an African glossy starling thanks to Tina.


  1. I don’t think there is as much enthusiasm for this coronation as there was for the Queen’s. But I’m sure lots of places like your museum will put on some sort of display. I don’t think Charles wants such a big affair this time.
    Overall you do well at boot sales, so the occasional sparse one isn’t so bad. As long as breakfast is always on offer somewhere that’s all that really matters 🙂 It does look a very gloomy morning judging from the pic you took at the cafe.
    It’ll be nice to actually be able to grow something in the greenhouse this year, even if it’s only tomatoes. Better than just using it for safe storage. Bloody squirrels 🐿️
    You do have your uses for Pandora, even if it is only as a towel 🙂 Surprised you didn’t have to carry her into the house so her feet didn’t get messy again 😄
    I like both the snail pics, although the second is marginally better as it shows more neck! Both very good for a phone though.
    African starlings aren’t quite so bland as the ones we have. Bet she’s having a great time over there. She won’t want to come back!

  2. It has been quite a miserable day here and chilly too but was good to get some sorting done out in the greenhouse, even if I did end up with very damp legs!
    Like you say, we usually find something of interest and I have had some real bargains over the years. My legs are resting now on the great foot rest I got years ago and use all the nice butterfly rug in here I love and the round one I got for a pound on the landing is pretty good too. We do of course enjoy our breakfast too!
