Thursday 13 April 2023

Doctor and more walking!

I managed to get through to the surgery and got an appointment this morning. It is a reasonable distance to the surgery, well, by my recent standards anyway, and no resting points on my usual route. So I left with oodles of time to spare and went via the memorial garden and the sea front. Had a sit down in the memorial gardens.
Quite a grey day.

I had plenty of time so had a hot chocolate and the sun tried to break through.

The doctor was very pleasant, he recorded the consultation as he had an assessment. He is arranging for me to have an X-ray and prescribed another course of the pills I have been taking.
Yesterday I emptied some terrarium containers when I was trying to make my sitting room less cluttered, so after lunch I took them round to 
Sher at the plant shop. When I went out to feed the birds I took a couple of pictures in the garden as the tulips are coming into bloom now.

This evening, instead of takeaway, Darren suggested we go down to the fish and chip place and had a meal there. That was really nice so now feeling very well fed! Quite a lot of walking today so feet up this evening.
Tina sent me three pictures from Zimbabwe, she will be travelling to a more rural place tomorrow so may not be in touch for a week now.

That was banana trees and a huge poinsettia. The last one is a bird of paradise plant.


  1. You did well to get through to the surgery, and even better to get an appointment this month! Good planning with your slow walk there. Plenty of seating is definitely the route to pick, specially if it involves hot chocolate too. Does look a bit gloomy down by the sea. The really dark shot looks like it’s about to burst into torrential rain!
    You always manage to get a nice doctor when you go. Hopefully the X-ray will show up something. At least if it does you’ll know why it’s been giving you so much grief. Pills are always a good idea too. I know you’re not overly keen on popping them, but needs must.
    The beds look very colourful, and I can’t see too many weeds in the actual beds, which is a good thing.
    That was nice of Darren to suggest fish and chip shop. It’s nice to eat them in there and leave all the mess for them to clean up and wash. All in all not too bad a day for you. Hope you don’t suffer for it tomorrow.
    Looks nice where the Rev is. Bet it’s warm. Hope she’s enjoying it.

  2. The knee does hurt when I am walking, so taking it slowly is the way to go. Had the stick with me but managed without it.
    Time to get on with things as best I can, may be some time before I even get the X-ray.
    The back garden is pretty good weed wise, not so good in the front.
    Hopefully Tina will have a great time.
