Saturday 8 April 2023

Burton Constable with Darren

Although my leg has been quite sore today I used a support, not the one that arrived yesterday, and decided to go with Darren to Burton Constable. The archery club had a ‘Have A Go’ event and he was going along to help. Before we left I took a photo of the bed with the magnolia in. Hard to believe that that corner was a mess of dogwood bushes when we move in.
I did have a go at the archery but Darren didn’t take a picture, one of the event anyway.
I decided to become a member again and made my way to the house and had a walk round it.

When you are a member you get a discount in the shop. One of my bird baths has disintegrated and they had some really nice ones there, so I bought one and have put it out in the garden.

I sorted a simple meal as Tina has services and events all weekend, but I am resting the achey leg now and hope it doesn’t end up like last Sunday with me unable to walk!


  1. Glad you managed to get out with Darren. As you say you’ll have to see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully the leg won’t be as bad as you’re probably expecting 🤞
    I think I’d have enjoyed having a go at the archery. It does look fun.
    Definitely a good idea to renew your membership to the house. From the pics it looks beautiful. With somewhere like that it doesn’t really matter how many times you look around it you always spot something you not seen before. It’s also a great place for taking pics. You have some really good ones. I love the stairway with the bright yellow walls. Wouldn’t want the job of dusting though!
    Even the birds gained from the trip with a new bath.

  2. It has been really nice to get out, I was struggling with the walking but trying to be optimistic maybe it was hurting because I haven’t been walking much this week!
    It is a lovely house and it has great grounds to enjoy when I can get around a bit easier.
