Friday 7 April 2023

Bad start, sunny finish!

This morning the lack of progress and thoughts that maybe there wouldn’t be any had me in a pretty down frame of mind. I set about doing some tidying as I had piles of stuff in my living room from when I wasn’t really moving at all.  Then went down and did a few chores downstairs. After lunch I decided to go out and top the bird feeders up as they were all empty, then I had a walk round the garden. The flowers have come on as it is almost a week since I was out there, the weeds are flourishing too but a bit behind! Took some photos, it is looking pretty.
First photo is of the trusty garden cart I painted and planted some years ago, the shrubs are doing fine.

I sat on the swing for a while and took a pic of the rockery.
I ordered a different knee support yesterday and it came this afternoon. It is quite different from anyI have had before and I wore it for a couple of hours and I tried to take a photo of my knee!
I think it made the knee feel a bit more stable but not the most comfortable thing to wear.
This evening Tina suggested a drive out when she got back from her service. We went to Mappleton and it was lovely to go there, and then a drive home at sunset.

Those two from the car, I know the second one is out of focus with too much zoom, but it is funky!

We did the shopping order when we got home and I have rested the leg watching tv since.


  1. I know it’s all been getting you down, so I’m really pleased to hear you sounding a bit more upbeat about things. It’s been really hard for you, and still is as I know how much you hate not being able to do anything. So it’s good that you’ve managed to do a few little jobs today. Definitely sounds like you feel better for it. Just don’t overdo if you can help it.
    The garden is looking good. The beds are really colourful right now and I can’t see too much sign of weeds. I think you’ve finally managed to break the back of the worst of the gardening and it’s just a bit of maintenance needed now. But as I said, don’t overdo it! Now the nicer weather is finally starting to appear it’ll be nice that you can actually spend some time out there enjoying it rather than slaving over it.
    The new knee support looks funky, and it’s left a lovely circle on your knee. But if it helps then it’ll be well worth it.
    That was nice of the Rev to take you out for a little trip to Mappleton this evening. I know you like to visit there. A good way to round off the day. Some lovely pics of the sunset too.
    Onward and upward.

  2. It was good to be a little more active, but I will certainly be taking it slowly as the knee still feels ready to give way at any time, and the discomfort at night never fails to remind me not to overdo it!
    It was good to wander round the garden and the trip out this evening was a lovely surprise bonus.
