Tuesday 18 April 2023

Bits and pieces

Today I got a couple of loads of washing done and managed to get it all dried outside today as it was warm and sunny. I walked down to the chemist to collect my prescription but couldn’t get it as the pan arm isn’t was out! Called into the shop on the way home. I got some jars into the shopping trolley and the large jar into another bag ready to take them along to Sher. She was pleased with all the bits and we had a bit of a chat. Took a photo of the church on the way there.
I had some stuff together for the charity shop so got that o out of the way. I forgot to say that this morning I also booked all my tickets for travelling to Peterborough next week and got them printed. You cannot imagine how happy it makes me to be able to print things for myself after such a long time! On the way to the charity shop took a photo of a flower bed.
Went out one more time to collect the prescription and to the newsagent to buy a birthday card.
I charged up the battery for the proper camera and did take it out into the garden. I was sat on the swing and a long way from the action so the one of the seagull on the summer house is out of focus. The others slightly better but I was just holding the camera, not using the monopod.
The leg has been painful and feeling quite fragile today, so feet up time.


  1. Sounds like a reasonably active day for you today compared with some days lately. It has been a really nice day today, so perfect for washing. Perfect for a bit of picture taking too. The church looks good with the blue background and the pink foreground. Glad to see you dug out the big camera for a change. It’s a little bit different after using the phone for a while. The monopod certainly makes it easier. But then it doesn’t all fit into your pocket like the phone does 🙂
    It’ll be nice to see you down south again next week. I really hope the leg decides to behave a little better for you then. I can imagine how nice it is to print your own tickets! So much hassle getting someone else to do it, having to forward the stuff etc. Done and dusted straight away when you do it yourself 😀
    Enjoy the feet up time, no doubt with Pandora too.

  2. Yes, a bit more active today but trying not to overdo it. The walking was very slow today as the leg was painful, but didn’t fall so that’s a bonus.
    Really good to get washing dried outside.
    It has been a lovely day but is quite chilly this evening, summer still not quite making an appearance!
