Friday 10 February 2023

Some progress?

I went for a short walk this morning and took a couple of photos, only ones today. The first one I liked the pampas but it doesn’t show a lot and the second one was just of the sky! I know, I am slipping, must do better as they use to write on school reports!
Sat and chatted with Rose for the rest of the morning before she went off to meet her friend in town.
After lunch Rachel came over. I had bought the elf I painted for her down with ne and she was delighted with it. May look back through the pics and add it again,
Rachel gave me a few more pointers for sorting Rose’s situation out and while she was here the lady from the housing association phoned me. She is on leave next week but has made an appointment to visit Rose at home on Tuesday of the following week.She also forwarded a form for me to take in to Margherita to give her permission for me to discuss her tenancy. So one step forward I think.
When Rachel left I went out for another short walk and just a quiet evening with Rose now finishing off with an episode of Death in Paradise.


  1. Actually I quite like both those pics. I would crop the bottom off the first one to lose those bits in the right hand corner. I’d also crop the bottom off the second to lose the roof.
    The elf is lovely so I can see why Rachel was pleased with it.
    Sounds like a reasonable day of sorting things etc. At least you had the reply. Shame the meeting cont be for over a week though. Onward and upward.

  2. Yes, a move forward so fingers crossed.
    Will see Margherita tomorrow and she has a couple of things she is worried about so will see if ai can help put her mind at rest.
