Wednesday 22 February 2023

Back in the city and visiting my sister

This morning I caught the bus into town having arranged to meet Rose later at the care home, I went to the bank again and managed to get an appointment for us to sort an account out for Rose. I had a drink and snack in town and then took a slow, rather painful walk up to the park as the leg was painful again. Another walk with no benches in sight so I wandered into the cemetery in case there was one there, there wasn’t!

The sunken garden in the park has been stripped ready for spring and summer planting,
Some great trees.

I did leave Margherita and Rose together for a while and waited in the park.

We walked back into town, definitely more than enough walking for me again today!
We are having a quiet evening now.


  1. I hope tomorrows meeting solve any problem and you get one more ticked off the list, or partially ticked off at least. You really shouldn’t be doing so much walking though. Your legs will never get chance to settle down while you’re doing marathons every day! An exaggeration, but you get the idea!
    On a brighter note at least you got to spend some time in the park. I do love that place and really should spend more time there myself. It’ll be perfect for Margherita in the summer as I’m sure she’ll enjoy being taken for an outing there once in a while.
    I hope your quiet evening is followed by a less active day tomorrow. Less walking and more buses and taxis!

  2. It is a lovely park, but we are all a bit guilty of not making the most of what we have near by. Really nice cafe in there as well now.
    Will endeavour to give the legs a rest tomorrow!
