Monday 20 February 2023

Different place different churches.

Went into the city with Rose this morning. We met Mike and had drinks at the coffee shop that was a jewellers. They sell delicious spiced chai! We parted ways then, I was on the lookout for a lighter top as I have fleeces with me and it has now turned much warmer! But I went to the bank first to enquire again about setting up new accounts when there is a distinct lack of acceptable ID. The young lady that was greeting people when we went before is absolutely delightful and although she couldn’t in the end help much because of regulations now she did get me a list of the acceptable proofs to give us something to work with. 
Took a couple of photos while I was in the city.

I did buy tops in a couple of shops very reasonable and reduced prices. I had one in my rucksack and the other two in a paper bag from the shop. My leg was playing up so I sat on a bench for a rest and then headed off to the loo. Coming out of the loo I realised I had left the bag on the bench! Made my way back as quickly as the leg would let me and to my surprise the bag was still there!
We have been watching tv and chatting and trying to stay positive about the meeting tomorrow.


  1. It was nice to see you this morning, if only briefly for a delicious spiced chai! Hopefully we’ll manage to meet up again depending on how long your visit turns out to be. It was a lovely sunny day today, so I good you did find something lighter to wear. I think you might still need some of the thicker tops by the second half of the week though.
    The business of sorting out a new account is ridiculous. It’s as if they don’t want the business these days! I really hope you manage to get it sorted before long. One job out the the way and ticked off the list would be good.
    Lovely day for taking pics. Couple of nice ones there. At least we do have some nice churches, and a cathedral here. It’s just everything else that seems to look tatty these days ☹️
    You were very lucky that the bag was still where you left it. There are a lot of oiks about and a horrid vagrant who asks everyone for money! Surprised one of them didn’t pilfer it!
    I really hope something good comes out of your meeting tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you.

  2. A really lovely day today and surprisingly warm.
    The shop bag was brown paper and it was on one side so it was probably mistaken for the remains of a take away!
